KIPP Destiny Middle

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Grades Served in 2023-24

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At KIPP Destiny Middle School, we pride ourselves on preparing our KIPPsters with the knowledge, skills, and character they will need to complete high school and prepare for college. Because we know that a college education leads to increased opportunities for the future leaders of our community, we work tirelessly to raise awareness about its importance.

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Meet Your School Leader

Quamisha McElrath
School Leader

Quamisha McElrath is the KIPP Destiny Middle School (KDM) School Leader. Inspired by her semester-long internship at Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa, Quamisha McElrath began her career in education at Hyde Leadership Charter School in the South Bronx as an 8th-grade Algebra I teacher.

In 2017, she joined Uncommon Schools as the Algebra I network-wide Lead Lesson Planner & IA Developer and Founding Algebra I teacher. While at Uncommon Schools, Quamisha also served as a Summer Academy Director, Grade Level Lead, Math Instructional Coach and Department Chair, and the Founding Head of Lower School. Quamisha holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies pre-Med from Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia, and received her Master of Arts in Teaching from Relay Graduate School of Education.

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